Being new to being a supporter I was very excited to join a bunch of federations and communicate with more BB members. I was sad to find out that you have to do a search to find Feds by already knowing their name instead of being able to peruse a list of available Feds. This made finding a Fed that aligned with my interests harder to find as the names could be anything. I believe by making Federations more accessible to Users would help promote community. I know we have a Federation recruitment thread but wouldn't it be easier to have a list of Federations.
Two main ways we could do this:
1) Make a public list of all federations after all the Mods can always reject an application for membership.
2) We could add in a setting for the mods to either make their Federations Public or Private depending on their purpose for the fed. All public Feds could be on a list for people to peruse and join.
I think by making one of these small changes will improve Feds and Increase their membership.