today i my scrimmig i got my 6th injured player this season no no i am not joking the season is not even halfway its end and my teams has sufferd from 4 one week or longer Injuris and 2 game only injuris including today it was geting so bed that infact for a week and a half i was playing with 3 injured players and one got injured doring a game for the game only waill 4 of your startes are injured in the same time someting there must me wrong i was geting to a point where i was thinking to quit the game as it was no fun as one or 2 injuris at the same time is no fun 3-4 is overkill it
now that i have bean wasting your time for some time now i was wondering if any one have any good expirience abut injuris do we know what make the bomb tick? do we know how to prevnt it?
we all say injuris are the effect of bed luck but what if it is not? you might say that if a player play more he chance to get injured is higher as he is on the field longer and have that x factor of russien rolet if he will get injured or not but if this is the case if player x will not get hit with the chances his sub player Y will
Get your facts firs then you can distort them as you please. Mark Twain