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From: LA-Nir
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Date: 4/22/2010 2:12:43 PM
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today i my scrimmig i got my 6th injured player this season no no i am not joking the season is not even halfway its end and my teams has sufferd from 4 one week or longer Injuris and 2 game only injuris including today it was geting so bed that infact for a week and a half i was playing with 3 injured players and one got injured doring a game for the game only waill 4 of your startes are injured in the same time someting there must me wrong i was geting to a point where i was thinking to quit the game as it was no fun as one or 2 injuris at the same time is no fun 3-4 is overkill it

now that i have bean wasting your time for some time now i was wondering if any one have any good expirience abut injuris do we know what make the bomb tick? do we know how to prevnt it?

we all say injuris are the effect of bed luck but what if it is not? you might say that if a player play more he chance to get injured is higher as he is on the field longer and have that x factor of russien rolet if he will get injured or not but if this is the case if player x will not get hit with the chances his sub player Y will

Get your facts firs then you can distort them as you please. Mark Twain
From: GM-Paris

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141663.2 in reply to 141663.1
Date: 4/22/2010 7:38:29 PM
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Apparently the only factor that effects is (bad) luck.
There' s no way to prevent an injury.

ps.I think that for these kind of subjects, you should use help forum.

Last edited by GM-Paris at 4/22/2010 9:34:18 PM

From: kLepTo

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141663.4 in reply to 141663.1
Date: 4/23/2010 1:21:04 AM
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I haven't had an injured player this season yet. Last season I think I had 3 or 4. The season before that, it was more than 5. I don't really keep an accurate count since I'm pretty sure luck is a big factor in it. You can't really control your luck so why worry? I'm sure it's not fun having 6 injured players, but have you seen the Portland Trailblazers this season? Even their freakin' COACH got injured! The BB Gods aren't out to get you. Maybe next season, your conference rival will get 10 injuries, maybe not. Just get an extra insurance and buy another player to cover up for the injured one.

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141663.5 in reply to 141663.4
Date: 4/23/2010 2:33:49 AM
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I agree its mostly luck, but if you find yourself getting unlucky, get a higher level doctor and hope that the injuries stop.

From: Azrail

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141663.6 in reply to 141663.1
Date: 4/23/2010 2:39:34 AM
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This season, I had already 2 injury player , one for 3 weeks and another one for 5 (!!!). This guy,who was injured for 5 weeks, received injuries in the first week friendly, again Sharman Globetrotters, and it's still injury for 1 week:( But I believe it's just bad luck... my humble opinion
I have another question: at the moment when this player get's injured for 5 weeks I had a lvl 5 doctor and he get 5 weeks.We know that doctor help reduce the severity of player injuries and I'm wonder what happened if I had a lvl 1 or 2 doctor?

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141663.7 in reply to 141663.6
Date: 4/23/2010 2:58:19 AM
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haha the player probably would have died :P just kidding.

I think that there are some injuries that can occur in BB that cannot be prevented regardless of the level of the doctor (this is just a theory). And so I feel that if you had a level 1 or level 2 doctor instead, the injury would have still been for 5 weeks.

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141663.8 in reply to 141663.3
Date: 4/23/2010 9:12:18 AM
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this was the point ofthis tred indid i was starting to write it in the help section but then i was looking at it and i wasent asking for help i was asking for other expirience at the metter witch is fine for this forum

there seams to be high lvl or random on the metter of injury time as i had a lvl 6 doctor 2 seasons ago and one of my plyers was out for 4 weeks waill my lvl 4 doctor this season got 2 weeks at the most waill he was slacing in returning the players on time he was out of the team and now i have a lvl 6 doctor again and waill in his time i had 2 more injuris it was for the game only

i hope the BB God's will stop messing with my team and if thy are med at me or something show me the closest Vergine i need to secrefay

Get your facts firs then you can distort them as you please. Mark Twain
From: Azrail
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141663.10 in reply to 141663.9
Date: 5/4/2010 3:40:19 PM
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OMG!!! I can not believe this!!!!The player that get injured at the beginning of the season for five weeks,become healthy on Tuesday(27.04) and over a week(04.04.), was injured again, this time for 2 weeks!!!

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141663.11 in reply to 141663.10
Date: 5/4/2010 4:41:20 PM
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maybe injuries aint that random?