1st question...A player pulls up and shoots a 15 foot jumper....
Player A has level 15 JS and level 8 JR....Player B has level 13 JS and level 10 JR( both players have the same driving and IS)
The rule book states,
A player with a higher jump range will find that the effectiveness of his jump shot decreases less with distance.
So my question is...Who hits this shot( 15 FT jumper with a higher %)?
2nd question...I know that some where OD turns into a combo of OD/ID..I think it is at about the FT line ( which is about 15 feet) So, a player on the other team pulls up and shoots a 15 foot jumper..
Player A has level 12 OD and level 8 ID, Player B has level 10 OD and level 10 ID...Who defends this FT line jumper better?
The reason I am asking this is because I have two SFs. I have noticed that when running Motion, my team takes a lot of mid-range jumpers and would like to know which SF will be the best option both Offensivley and defensively? Also defending against a team playing motion.