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Suggestions > 2 team private league

2 team private league

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From: Azariah
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Date: 5/22/2010 4:29:58 PM
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We've got a fairly decent size PL going, to the point where we're considering splitting into two leagues and running promotion/relegation between them. We'd like to be able to have inter-season matches between two teams to determine the promotion and/or relegation, but currently the smallest PL size that can be created is 4 teams, thus preventing the "2 team series" that we'd want to do.

Additionally, can there be a "creator plays away" option for the 2 team PL, so that we could have HCA for our promotion or relegation matches if we wanted?

This Post:
144634.2 in reply to 144634.1
Date: 5/22/2010 4:55:19 PM
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We've got a fairly decent size PL going, to the point where we're considering splitting into two leagues and running promotion/relegation between them. We'd like to be able to have inter-season matches between two teams to determine the promotion and/or relegation, but currently the smallest PL size that can be created is 4 teams, thus preventing the "2 team series" that we'd want to do.

Additionally, can there be a "creator plays away" option for the 2 team PL, so that we could have HCA for our promotion or relegation matches if we wanted?

Not easy to find with the thread title, but Naker Virus's 832nd post this week suggested a 2-team PL: (144225.1)

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144634.3 in reply to 144634.2
Date: 5/22/2010 6:26:30 PM
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Apologies for the duplication, STF didn't return that thread.

This Post:
144634.4 in reply to 144634.2
Date: 5/22/2010 8:14:25 PM
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833rd :P