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BB Canada > Canadian Training Thread

Canadian Training Thread

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From: 7out7
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Date: 2/2/2008 3:55:48 AM
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Hey guys, I'm hoping we can get a thread going where we can discuss our training experiences. Since this is a new game, hopefully we can learn from each others training regimes. I find the thread in the global forum is of little help, so lets try to get some good info in here.

I started at the beginning of season 3. The first week didn't work, then I think I trained stamina and FTs one week each. The rest of the season I trained rebounding, and I plan to train it one more week, possibly two. My top player(18) rose 5 levels and hopefully will pop once more next week. He's the only one I'm sure of where he began his training. I believe my other trainee(19) who didn't get hurt also rose 5 levels, but I'm not 100% sure. My other two full time trainees both got hurt. One got a 4 week injury(19), and has gone up either 3 or 4 levels, the other(19) just got back from a two week injury and has gone up 4 levels I think. Both my injured players popped their first week back. My back-up trainee got a little extra time because of injuries, and I think he's gone up 3 levels. I wish I wrote down or remembered their original ratings so I could be of more help.

As for side training, I saw very poor results. Throughout my entire training program, I've only had one side pop. That was in inside D from my 18 year old. There also seems to be no difference in regards to ability. My player who began training with rebounding as his best skill saw the same results as a player who began training with rebounding as his worst relevant stat.

So a quick summary, I would say training rebounding saw 2 pops roughly every 3 weeks, maybe 3.25(very rough #) weeks. And don't expect much in the way of secondary pops.

Hopefully some of you can add some info from your training.

Edited by 7out7 (2/2/2008 3:58:22 AM CET)

Last edited by 7out7 at 2/2/2008 3:58:22 AM

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14793.2 in reply to 14793.1
Date: 2/2/2008 12:00:14 PM
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Definitely take a look at this thread in Global if you haven't already: (381.1)