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BB Global (English) > Motion + good ID

Motion + good ID

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From: Trigg
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Date: 2/5/2008 9:59:18 AM
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Today I play against a team who has very good ID an nearly always plays motion.

My problem is that I dont have that good Outside Defenders.
So is it better not to play 3-2 an let them defend man-to-man or should I concentrade on OD although I dont have that good defenders?

My second problem is that he has a very good ID.
But I train JS and JR for my wingman so I think I'll switch to motion too for that game(although my PF an C can score too).

Does sombody have any advice for my first problem?

thy in advance

Edited by Tiri (2/5/2008 10:00:31 AM CET)

Last edited by Trigg at 2/5/2008 10:00:29 AM

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