first of all... this is the bug Forums , I don't know exactly how the website decides on which timezone you are... my first impression was that in whichever country's league you participate , in that timezone the website thinks you are and changes all the times accordingly...
specificly about your problem.... the only thing I can tell is that be sure that you were online the time you saw the different time....
some times (especially while using Internet Explorer) the website tends to log you out , but not nessecerilly get you on the frontpage... so you might click a link to that player , the website logged you out and you saw the Server Time expiry time...
the most common question is "how do I know if that happened to me and I am logged out?"
well I understand it because my game turns into english (from greek that I have for default language) and also on top left corner there is the box to log in again (even though I say again I am not redirected on the front page)
that's the only incident - explanation I can give you...for more info I would say you should post in the Bugs Forum
I hope I helped!