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How should I train these two trainees...

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Date: 9/15/2010 8:53:37 AM
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I currently have 2 main trainees.

Shooting Guard
Age: 20
Height: 6'4" / 193 cm
Potential: MVP
Jump Shot: average Jump Range: strong
Outside Def.: strong Handling: respectable
Driving: respectable Passing: average
Inside Shot: inept Inside Def.: respectable
Rebounding: mediocre Shot Blocking: awful
Stamina: inept Free Throw: mediocre

Small Forward
Age: 18
Height: 6'2" / 188 cm
Potential: MVP
Jump Shot: respectable Jump Range: respectable
Outside Def.: respectable ↑ Handling: inept
Driving: respectable Passing: awful
Inside Shot: respectable Inside Def.: respectable
Rebounding: average Shot Blocking: average
Stamina: respectable Free Throw: strong

As stated, the first one is a shooting guard and the second one is a small forward. I'm planning to train these two players in the next season but I'm not quite sure which skill to train them etc. The priority in terms of which skill to train first will be my small forward as he'll still be young next season but which skill should I started off training next season?

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156866.2 in reply to 156866.1
Date: 9/15/2010 9:01:01 AM
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If i were you I would focus on the Small Forward. He looks great. He is very balanced and if trained properly he could become an amazing SF. About what train, I would train outside defense until it reaches proficient before anything.

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156866.3 in reply to 156866.2
Date: 9/15/2010 9:17:58 AM
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Yeah I'm planning to focus on the small forward more. I want to make him more outside oriented small forward, so i don't think i need to train his inside skills cuz they're not that bad.

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156866.4 in reply to 156866.1
Date: 9/15/2010 9:26:47 AM
Aussie Pride
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Passing and Handling on the 2nd guy need some work and other then that Defense is always a good place to start training.

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156866.5 in reply to 156866.4
Date: 9/15/2010 9:41:32 AM
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Passing and Handlling are fast to train until 22 or 23 so I wouldn't bother with it too much.

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156866.6 in reply to 156866.4
Date: 9/15/2010 10:05:41 AM
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Ok, well then I'll start off with training outside defence, then move on to passing, then handling, which i believe is one to one.

Oh, but then considering that his passing and handling are low, doesn't it make more sense to train those first because it will train little bit quicker that way?

Last edited by Samurai_Tungi at 9/15/2010 10:07:28 AM

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156866.7 in reply to 156866.6
Date: 9/15/2010 11:30:52 AM
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I would train first what's slower to train. Jump Range and Outside Defense. Passing is fast as handling. But's that your choice.

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156866.8 in reply to 156866.6
Date: 9/15/2010 12:43:23 PM
Aussie Pride
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My thinking is along the lines of you don't really want a player with awful Passing leading your offense at PG. This is assuming you do 1 position training at PG. Its not ideal having an awful passer at SG but the impact wont be as bad.

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156866.9 in reply to 156866.7
Date: 9/15/2010 12:49:15 PM
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I think training passing and handling first, then training skills that is slower is more efficient. Since the passing and handling are pretty bad compared to other skills, it will improve quicker and once it's around strong etc, then I could train jump range, outside defence etc. I think this way, the overall time to train would be less. but either way, I'll train those skills because those will be the important skills for SG and SF.

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156866.10 in reply to 156866.1
Date: 9/15/2010 6:01:30 PM
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I have been training guards my first few seasons and my advice would be to train OD then Passing then Handling(along with 3-5 weeks of Jumpshot each season). If you train your OD up now while your player is going to pop fast just because he is young, you will be able to train Passing and Handling when he is 20-21 and training will start to slow(but not as much for your player because those skills will be behind his other skills). I recommend training Handling last because you will have a better idea of how much you need to train that skill after seeing how many secondary pops you get while training OD and Passing. I would trade in a few of the weeks I spent training Handling with my guards for OD, Passing, or Jumpshot.

I also wouldn't train One on One early on with your small forward. Driving is another skill that gets a lot of secondary pops and it doesn't seem like driving is a skill you want to get really high while your other skills are really low if you want to win games. I would replace it with Jump Shot.

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156866.11 in reply to 156866.10
Date: 9/15/2010 8:12:02 PM
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I c, in fact, what you're saying makes sense to me too. How about 2 weeks of OD followed by 1 week of passing, then 2 weeks of OD again followed by 1 week of passing? Because I don't really want the passing to be awful and want to improve it. This way, OD will improve with the passing. Perhaps by 2 weeks of passing training, I could at least make it to inept and 4 weeks of OD would bring OD to proficient since OD takes 2 weeks to pop in 1 position training.