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Outside Shooting for Wingmen???

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From: shikago
This Post:
Date: 9/16/2010 2:13:00 AM
Milwaukee Lethargy
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Miłwaukee Lethargy
The Question:
How does training "Outside Shooting" for wingmen compare to training it for PG/SG? (both speed-wise & in skills trained) Since it's not listed in the "Training Speed Analysis" thread thought I'd ask here... Does anyone have any data / experience?

Thoughts & Assumptions
I've always had a sneaking suspicion that training Wingmen is actually worse for some reason. I mean if it's even remotely effective, why no data? Though logically, shouldn't Outside Shooting for Wingmen be equal, if not slightly better, than for PG/SG? Based on the "Jump Shot" training analysis... (wingmen is equal speed but with 1 extra skill trained).

My Very Limited Results
As for me, I don't think I've gotten a *single* pop in anything training Outside Shooting for Wingmen in any season, EVER. In contrast seemingly 95% of the time I've trained either SG only *or* PG/SG I've gotten at least 1 & sometimes many... Of course this isn't exactly reliable data (training JR at most a few times per season & never consecutive weeks.) But still always getting nothing when training wingmen in outside shooting -- simply an oddity or not?