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Training Jump Shot at Guards

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Date: 10/6/2010 8:10:43 PM
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Hey guys,
I have always trained Jump Shot at wingmen in the past. Just wondering if there is an advantage or disadvantage to training Jump Shot for Guards.

The traning speed analysis suggests that there is a disadvantage, but I was wondering if anyone here had some personal experience with training Jump Shot for guards and wingmen and if there is any real difference.

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159580.2 in reply to 159580.1
Date: 10/7/2010 12:41:57 AM
Milwaukee Lethargy
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Miłwaukee Lethargy
Funny, I posted the same basic question a while back. Only it was about "Outside Shooting" (156925.1).

Yes, in theory there's a *slight* advantage to training wingmen. So when not overly inconvenient, that's what I train. Though to be honest, my results have been just about identical compared to when I've trained JS for guards only. (both in terms of training speed & skills popped). Of course my sample size is small so keep that in mind. But again for me there's been no substantial difference to this point.

Btw, have you gotten many pops in IS while training wingmen? Just wondering because I *never* have... multiple pops in all the other secondary skills, but never in IS even one time..!?!

From: shikago

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159580.4 in reply to 159580.3
Date: 10/7/2010 2:54:54 AM
Milwaukee Lethargy
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Miłwaukee Lethargy
Yes, certain skills do train faster in shorter players. Mine were in the 6'1'' to 6'4'' range... with 1 exception.

Anyway I probably wasn't clear, but it was only the same exact players I was using to compare both training types . (I would play them out of position various weeks). For example when training "guards only" i might play my sg at pg, & sf as sg... that type of thing. So by comparing only the same players, height & age are pretty much eliminated as factors.

Hmm, that's an interesting theory. & agreed it would be kinda neat. But according to FAQ, it doesn't seem to matter... (144856.30) (2nd paragraph)
In order for a player to receive full training in a given week you must play him 48 minutes at the position(s) you selected to train that week. For example, if you decided to train jump shot on guards (PG/SG) your player would need to amass 48 minutes at either PG, SG, or a combination of the two.

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159580.5 in reply to 159580.3
Date: 10/7/2010 3:56:46 AM
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My personal theory has been that minutes at SG will give you guard secondaries, while minutes at SF will give you forward secondaries. I'm sure someone can prove me wrong, but I think that would be kinda neat.

I don't think that is right. But anything is possible :P

In regards to the other post, yes I have had a pop in IS while training JS at wingmen.