thank you!
I reviewed this list with the published one
(158829.19) and with the full list of 123 players we reviewed. Four of your list are actyally missing, others were in the list but out of the top 3 places per role.
Very good news: Malaysia has two somehow decent PF's also without looking in III series (and I would expect more). Bad news: salary in not so high to convince me that it could not be reasonable to evaluate to play with double center lineup.
One player has been automatically saved from his manager retirement.
(12177901)) the best PF in Malaysia roster, luckily automatically saved when retired, with offers
(12177834)) C with some chances, missing in the list
(12178019)) already in my list, is just #4 by salary as SF

(13595125)) missing, very good news, a PF 17K$, 20yrs, all star!
(13595052)) #8 among crowdy SF
(15028238)) #5 among C, 19yrs, star only, but room to improve
There are more unpolished gems such as the following, who would also make the grade if they are trained properly:
(12177861)) #6 among C, 21 already, tough to have chances
(14036959)) PF 11K$ 20yrs potential 8, it would be the #2 in this expanded list!
(15028356)) #9 in C list
More players added:
(12177892) it should have been already in my list, at #3 Ashaari bin Che Omar
(12178056) C #7
(13594944) already #3 in SF list and the first at 20yrs, great! Mohd Shahrul bin Mohd Zain
(13594973) #5 in SG list