Hi there, I have a 6th man potential and I'd need an advice. Any help is appreciated!
So, here are the skills:
Jump Shot: proficient Jump Range: strong
Outside Def.: strong Handling: mediocre
Driving: awful Passing: respectable
Inside Shot: atrocious Inside Def.: average
Rebounding: respectable Shot Blocking: awful
Stamina: respectable Free Throw: mediocre ↑
Weekly salary: 10.246
He's 6'3'' / 190 cm and 21 years old. Since I play in 3rd league, I'm planning on capping him and playing him in starting 5 for a while and then move to the bench when other trainees get better. But for now, he's one of my best players.
I want him to have proficient OD, prolific JS and good DR and HA. In salary calculator (which shows about 8% bigger salary than it really is), it shows $16.444 for prolific JS, proficient OD and respectable HA and DR. $16.444 minus 8% is 15.128. Do yuo think this is possible with 6th man potential? I read somewhere that 6th man reaches about 14-16k salary, but in previous season I found 20k-ish 6th men on TL.
Second question: I'd like to raise his DR and HA with One on one training, which unfortunately (as strange as this sounds) it trains also JS. I fear that with too much One on one training, he will reach his cap too early due to a pop in JS over prolific. What do you suggest?
Last edited by Koperboy at 10/13/2010 4:58:25 PM