As the title, I'm trying to find the best way to maintain a world-renowned trainer with fitness specialty. It would be great if there is a possible way to maintain it without making losses, if there aren't, I would have to sadly replace it with exceptional.
Actually your question is actually quite straight forward. Basically what is needed to financially maintain a World Renowned Trainer with Fitness specialty up to week #14
I have zero experience on world-renowned fitness trainer and searching for one today only yielded 1 trainer:
Skill Level: world-renowned
Specialty: Fitness
Employer: Unemployed
Salary: $ 92 399
Current bidder is offering $900K
So we can analyse based on the above staff salary.
By week 14 the staff salary will be $127,373
Assuming you currently have a lvl 4 doctor and PR at a salary of $12K, by week#14 both their salary will be $15,035.
Total Staff Salary = $157,443Your roster total salary = $44,970
Assuming your scouting is at $10K per week.
Your total expenses on week#14 will be $212,413So basically to not be negative, your total income will need to be $212,413 or more.
This is a basic model.
But if you do get a world renowned trainer, your trainee will increase in salary in the new season and it should be safe to consider that the maximum salary increase for your current roster should be $6K per trainee (Your current trainee salary all <$5K). So this will increase your breakeven from $212,413 to $230,413.
With this, can consider your breakeven income to be $230,413 so that you don't make a loss to maintain a world renowned trainer.The above is just to answer your question but I would like to point out two things:
1. Having a world renowned trainer might only mean extra ~1 pop of skill per player per season compared to training by a Superior trainer. Do you want to spend $2.4M (Total paid for the 14 weeks+$900K for bid) just to get that extra 1-2 pop?
2. During play-offs if your team doesn't get to host the play-offs you will need reserves to pay for the $230,413/week expenses.