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Cup Games

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Date: 2/16/2008 11:46:59 PM
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i am a newbie who started last season near the end of season 3 and in season 4 i am in League III.15.
the one thing i want to know is why wasn't i given any cup matches

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16367.2 in reply to 16367.1
Date: 2/18/2008 11:34:17 AM
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Australia's tournament includes 256 teams in round 1.

There are 16 teams in Australia I.1, 64 in II.1-II.4, and 256 teams in III.1-III.16.

So between I.1-III.16, there are 336 teams, and only 256 make the tournament. I can't say why you were one of the 80 teams not to have a cup match in Australia. It seems like a lousy draw, particularly seeing that there are only 97 active teams in Australia, and one of the active teams was forsaken for a bot.

This question might be best answered by GM-JudgeNik (38596)

Keep your friend`s toast, and your enemy`s toaster.
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16367.3 in reply to 16367.2
Date: 2/20/2008 12:48:57 AM
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It appears that the selection was based on division at the start of the season, and regular season wins and losses and losses the previous season. Few if any teams that relegated from D.II were included in the cup. This is especially harsh in Australia since there are almost no other human teams in D.III.

If BB is going to restrict the field, they should first consider human-hood, then last season division and record. If Australia were full, this would some 6th place teams and all the 7th and 8th place teams in D.III (of course if D.III were that full, there would be a D.IV).

Better yet would be to include all teams, and have a preliminary round on the Thursday before the league season started.