Dude you have to account for the standing of the team they play and record of the team and recent win/loss cup etc.....
Unfortunately this makes it impossible to determine PR manager effect to any accuracy at all.
Is true, but I hope that over time can clarify something really interesting.
It is a study that can last a long time, if it ends like now that I have not yet received any BBMail.
The effect of public relations if I can find many results, but also try to find time between now and the% who earns more or less if your team loses in the world ranking positions.
This is a topic that apparently can be very interesting for all users.
But that as I said, need the help of many users and so far I find the first part: the% improvement of an employee at a higher level or lower level.
On the basis of the coach who gives these improvements, I hope to find out if you really are the same for a public relations
minimal - 0.84
basic - 0.88
Competent - 0.92
advanced - 0.96
top - 1.00
exceptional - 1.04
world-renowned - 1.08
I think a similar level public relations can give the same as a coach, but with time and hope to receive many mails to know the % difference between each level.