Inspired by this thread
(163452.1) I think might be interresting if there could be a way of developing a team in more like a "team" way.
I dont mean by that expand the current training forms into team training, while it could be quite welcomed, but more important seems to me a way by which you doesnt have to solve problems like "what next" "will be a passing better to train now or later" and so on. Would be quite understandable if this game could be handled even by less worrying about training and more focusing on the tactics and the other things itself.
So there can be introduced a new way of team training, which will develop all skills at once. Well, with a reduced speed of course, so if you have currently single position speed on 100, two position on 60 and team training of one skill on like 40 percent of the speed (just examples), you will take these 40 percent and divide them between all 10 skills, which gives you like 4 percent:). Well meanwhile there will be some height factors, then I think that somewhere this speed could increase to 10 percent and somewhere decrease into 2 percent or like that.
So this player can pop everywhere like once per season. This need some calculations, by which will be still more effective to train 2 position specific training of 5 players than this overall team training of 12 players.
But the point is simple, you buy bunch of 18y old players, maybe you had like 3 players which have 20y and have theirs specific abilities great for your tactics, then you start an overall training an everything you worry about, are minutes only. Imagine, you doesnt have to think about elastic effect, doesnt have to buy/sell right away, you have just to play a game.