I've promoted to div I this season and although I thought I was going to end up either 7th or 8th, surprisingly mt team is doing a great job and I'm currently 2nd place in my conference.
So my problem is whether to give all my effort and try to stay in the 2nd place (if I manage well, this should be possible) or just lose purposely and end up 5th or 6th in order to get a higher pick in the draft. So far in the draft, I've got 2 players who I think are great, but if I were to give all my effort and end up 2nd, I might not get those 2. On the other hand, if I purposely lose games and end up 5th or 6th, then I have a higher chance of getting one of those. Currently I'm training guards and i have one 18 year old PG, 21 year old PG and 19 year old SG but since my oldest main trainee will be 22 year old next season, which might slow down the rate of training, I'm thinking of getting rid of him and replacing with a young trainee from the draft. But i'm little confused as to whether which choice would be better.
So any opinion and help on this would be appreciated.