If I held a greatest movie tournament who would be interested in participating/voting?
I'd probably need at least 10+ people to make it worthwhile.
It'd be a 64 movie bracket and I would hold 2 matches a day until the Elite 8.
It would take about 40 days figuring on me maybe missing a day or two for various reasons.
When setting up the bracket I would try to seed properly, while avoiding first or second round matchups between similar movies or movies in the same series.
Voting Process would be simple enough, I would update the first post in the thread with who won the last matchups and what the new matchups were and then you'd post your 2 votes for the day.
Some series I have split up, while others I have put together as one entry. Shown Below
Split Series
Toy Story- I and III, no II
Star Wars- the original trilogy, not the newer 3
Lord of the Rings- all 3
Indiana Jones- Temple of Doom and Raiders of the Lost Ark
The Godfathers- I and II
Combined Series
Spider Man
The Oceans movies
James Bond
The Matrix
Jurassic Park
I tried to be balanced as far as which eras and types of movies they were, though they probably are slightly favored towards newer movies.
So far I have 51 sure entries, here are my nominations for the final 13, feel free to back any of them or make your own nominations. Don't assume that a movie will be in my sure 51, unless listed above in the series list, so nominate away.
American Pyscho
The Exorcist
Black Swan
Temple of Doom
Sin City
The Watchmen
The Shootist
Fantasia 2000
Blade Runner
American Graffiti
Last edited by Eminence Front at 12/27/2010 5:23:32 PM