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Jump shot or Jump range

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Date: 12/28/2010 3:20:12 PM
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I'm training gaurds this week, and i'm having a hard time trying to decide if i should train jump shot or jump range. I want my gaurds to better better three point shooter because they tend to miss these shots. Which is more important for three point shooting, jump shot or jump range?

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167559.2 in reply to 167559.1
Date: 12/28/2010 3:30:22 PM
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well my player with 9 jump shot and 11 jump range tends to shoot 42% and other with 13 jump shot and 8range only 35% so probably range is more important. but the second one is way better mid range shooter:P

Last edited by juscious at 12/28/2010 3:31:19 PM

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167559.4 in reply to 167559.1
Date: 12/28/2010 4:43:37 PM
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JS is more important but take that at face value. Both JS and JR are compulsory. Good handling and driving, imo, is necessary. Experience will help. Having good team passing will help.

I'd train JS. You'll shoot a higher percentage, it's easier to train, it's less expensive, and it's worth more/more valuable on the open market.

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167559.5 in reply to 167559.4
Date: 12/28/2010 6:56:00 PM
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Thanks all.