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Suggestions > Women's BuzzerBeater

Women's BuzzerBeater

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From: KwaiWah
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Date: 1/2/2011 9:31:56 AM
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Not sure if this has been brought up before.

But is there a chance that BB will have a female version of BB? Meaning female players?
Not sure if this is too huge a proposal but we are living in a equal rights world (right?).

If we can have a female Prime Minister in Australia, why not a Women's BB?

From: yodabig

This Post:
167976.2 in reply to 167976.1
Date: 1/2/2011 3:21:01 PM
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What a cool idea, never thought of this before. We have not just a female Prime Minister, but a female Governor General (Head of State) and Lauren Jackson (probably in the top five female basketballers in the world).

They would need to get in touch with their artist and get some female faces done. Then this could be a money making exercise, perhaps you can only have a female team if you are a supporter. Interesting.

This Post:
167976.3 in reply to 167976.2
Date: 1/2/2011 6:55:18 PM
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I say nay!

Female players in mens competition - wont work.

Female teams for supporters only - we already had this second team discussion.

Female player faces - we already know that the artist responsible for this genuine piece of graphics is no longer availiable and obviously wont never ever come back, so...

I vote for cheerleaders though!

This Post:
167976.4 in reply to 167976.3
Date: 1/3/2011 5:10:46 AM
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Female players in mens competition - wont work.

Actually I was thinking more in terms of having a Women's League. Not having women in a men's competition. These new teams should not be involved in the current competition.

A better way of putting it is probably like a separate server.
Maybe share same forum but different set of division and leagues.

This Post:
167976.5 in reply to 167976.4
Date: 1/3/2011 8:48:31 AM
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Female players in mens competition - wont work.

Actually I was thinking more in terms of having a Women's League. Not having women in a men's competition. These new teams should not be involved in the current competition.

A better way of putting it is probably like a separate server.
Maybe share same forum but different set of division and leagues.

i applaud the idea. however, just one minor detail:

how will you make sure that the women stay in the womens league, and the men in the mens league? anyone could say they are a boy/girl, so that they'd come in an easier division to win etc...

the very reason we have countries and you aren't allowed to sign up in other countries, is for that reason...

also, in the event that you'd have a mens and womens competition, you'd need a verification system, and to give a sufficiant one, you'd most likely have to ask more personal info from the managers than they are likely willing to give.

if you can come up with an idea how to solve that problem, then i'm all ears.

and then their is still one minor problem: what about the little countries, who barely have 16 active users... it's hard enough for them as such to get them filled, and by making a womens and mens competition, you'd divide them up even more...

just a few things to think about. if you find a way to solve em, let me know. i'd love to hear it, cause i do like the idea of having a womens league.


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167976.6 in reply to 167976.5
Date: 1/3/2011 10:01:26 AM
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Hmm... looks like I am being misunderstood.

Ok, let me rephrase it then.

I am proposing to have women players playing in separate division/leagues but can be managed by any gender.

On your point that it will be dividing the users and be a problem for 'little countries', it is a good point.

But since the women team will not have any linkages to the normal men's competition, maybe if managers can have an account each (1 on the male leagues and 1 on the female leagues). Of course it will need some minor adjustments on the rules but it should not have risk to exploitation since it is two separate competition (You cannot transfer a female player into a male team)

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167976.8 in reply to 167976.6
Date: 1/3/2011 1:17:01 PM
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Decent idea but I think it would only happen if there was a much larger share of female users on BB. Basketball has been a male dominated sport and while there are womens leagues, the main popularity is with the men (not surprisingly the majority of players and users are as well).

i'd think you'd be surprized about that. i'm thinking that 20 to 30% of the BB users are female. and even if the main majority is with the men, that doesn't mean that we can ignore the women who play this game.

like i said, i like your idea KwaiWah, but i'm rather i'll give you some more problems

1) say we do your idea, and have a men and womens team. can the servers handle all the info? cause you are talking about doubling the ammount of data, doubling the ammount of games, etc...

2) how will you do economy? split economy? in that case, might as well have 2 different games. Buzzerbeater for men and buzzerbeater for women, run on different servers... Shared ecomony? then you'll see some teams using the money from the other team to boost one of the teams. and what about those who don't want to manage a second team if you'd have a shared ecomony? one team will be dragging down the economy, which isn't go great either... so you'd force those managers to take a second team.

3) the ammount of games. we currently have 3 (4 games if you are a supporter, and 5 games if you are a supporter and if you like following your NT's games) games a week. adding the womens games to it, that will mean you'll have one or more games a day on average. i like BB, but for alot of people that would be an overload (i'm not sure if i'd like more than 5 games a week)...

they way i see your last post, instead of having a youth academy, you'd like a womens league. I still like the idea of a womens league, but i wonder if it can be done in BB.


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167976.9 in reply to 167976.8
Date: 1/3/2011 1:34:45 PM
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I think a youth/developmental team might make more sense then a completely separate team. That way, maybe upper division teams could keep and train their draft picks and not just rebuild from the transfer list.


This Post:
167976.10 in reply to 167976.9
Date: 1/3/2011 5:16:49 PM
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either i have misunderstood this suggestion or everyone else has

the idea is to let people sign up for a womans team

that is not female human managers, but female computerised players in a womes league

if would be on a totally seperate server and in all aspects a different game

players could no more transfer between the womens league and the current mens leagues than they could between buzzerbeater and hatrick

the idea is to then allow everyone to sign up for a womens team

it would be the same game engine (less dunks!) so close to no development costs or running costs for the bbs, but more income from advertising on the womens site and those that choose to to be supporters

you dont need all the current countries, just something like the biggest current ones maybe the top 30- 50 most popular nations no 30 is romania with 503, no 50 is peru with 115, from there the nations are getting way too small, will we really miss barbados or pakistan?

This Post:
167976.11 in reply to 167976.10
Date: 1/3/2011 5:53:05 PM
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it would be the same game engine (less dunks!) so close to no development costs or running costs for the bbs, but more income from advertising on the womens site and those that choose to to be supporters

That depends. A new server could be expensive. Development of player faces for females is a must and is expensive and time consuming. And since the current men's league can't even get developments done on player faces, it seems highly unlikely there would be someone doing female faces from scratch.