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Suggestions > A poll page.

A poll page.

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Date: 1/3/2011 7:06:32 PM
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I think there should be a poll page, where the BB's post suggestions, and people vote on what they would like done in which order.

This way, th BB's would know what the players would rather want.

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168110.2 in reply to 168110.1
Date: 1/4/2011 6:22:24 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
mostly, with the competitions the BBs hold, there is a poll. So in a way, it's already there.

BBs also have been putting up surveys a few times in history of the game to get into the user's minds.

So your idea is good. But I'm not sure they are going to make a separate page for it. When they want our opinions, be sure they will come and get it.

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