With the age change coming up fast, I figure it's time to take a look at how the new 20 year olds are doing. I've put together some rough rank lists for guards and bigs, to highlight some of the prospects with the best chance of seeing U21 action in the future. There are a few players here that also look like possible NT guys in the future.
For fun, I've put previous rankings (from the age 19 list) in parentheses. Keep in mind that the actual numeric rankings are still very rough.
Guard Rankings (PG, SG, Guard-type SFs)
1. Gerry Stavridis (1);
(14641174)2. Diant Stronks (2);
(14640552)3. Dwain Hadley (5);
(14640977)4. Thomas Simmons (4);
(14641072)5. Lucio Marchi (6);
(14641614)6. Antoine Robichaud (12);
(14641705)7. Davis Mercado (7);
(14642202)8. Taylor Cutler (11);
(14640994)9. Cletus Ryder (NR);
(14642588)10. Christopher Kumar (10);
(14640708)11. Gérard Bérubé (9);
(14642258)12. Ajaikumar Sharma (14);
(14642168)13. Christopher Gunter (NR);
(14641946)14. Junior Otis (13);
(14642618)15. Nadav Srour (3);
(14641806)C/PF Rankings
1. Scott Fitzpatrick (2);
(14641357)2. William Rivas (1);
(14641556)3. Isaac Masicotte (6);
(14641292)4. Paweł Niestępski (10);
(14642615)5. Norm Comartin (4);
(14640812)6. Martin Blackburn (11);
(14642115)7. Thomas Lacroix (12);
(14642648)8. Jimmie Case (NR);
(14642463)9. Han Baiming (NR);
(14641146)10. Kent Kent (NR);
(14641680)11. Giuseppe Lovato (8);
(14641084)Unique Player of Unrankable-ness
- Robert Blake;
(14642071)For the guards, I like how we have some really good high potential guards headlining things for us. At C/PF, it looks like we will probably lack a Moran/Mahmoud/Richards type monster in season 16, and most of the names on the list have question marks. Overall, it looks like a group that will be more outside oriented, but there's a lot of development time left, and we'll see how things go with everyone.
Last edited by The Mogul at 1/15/2011 10:13:10 AM