i'll try and help the debate a little here. These questions are to all the candidates:
1) how do you intend on improving the NT
2) Luxembourg isn't a big BB nation. their is a very important thing that a NT coach ( and the U21 coach too, but we're talking about NT election here) should keep in mind when he is a manager of a small BB community, what is this?
3) What could you give the NT that the other candidates ( and for that answer, you should check the speech topic) couldn't give, and thus, mean that you would be the better candidate than the others.
if anyone else has any questions, feel free to ask em. a Debate is supposed to be someone asks a question to the candidates. Then the candidates (and the candidates alone) should post an answer. That is how it should work guy's.
well candidates, you got some questions, so time to post your answers to this ;)
best of luck and may the best candidate win.