Along with your arena being to small, your prices are too low, because your current arena is always selling out (in D.V). Now that you're in D.IV two additional goals along with staying in D.IV this next season should be to build a solid expansion of your arena and to find the right price that will give you 90-95% full on each seats.
These are my recommended changes: This can be a goal throughout the year or you can build it all immediately.
Bleachers: Build 2500 and set the new price to $11-12* (for a total of 7000 seats)
[Cost $500,000]
REASON: These are the traditional money makers. It's very important to fiddle around
with the prices till you reach the right one. I recommend $11-12 because your current price
of $10 has been selling out every D.V game and despite you not being able to win as
much in D.IV, the upgrade should have more fans come even if you don't always win.
Lower Tier: Build 550 and set the new price to $35-40* (for a total of 1000 seats)
[Cost $385,000]
REASON: These seats are also based on winning and losing games. I recommend $35-40
because your current price of $40 had been selling out, but with more seats to fill on a
team that is more vulnerable to lose. I would start out with something like this.
Courtside Seats: Build 150 and keep the price at $150* (for a total of 200 seats)
[Cost $300,000]
REASON: These seats are not so based on winning and losing games. I recommend $150
because you were selling out of these seats with the price set at $150 before so we will see if
that price can fill 200 seats.
Luxury Boxes: Build 10 and keep the price at $800* (for a total of 10 seats)
[Cost $160,000]
REASON: These seats are also not based on winning and losing games. I
recommend $800 because its division IV and the higher the division the more these
seats get sold, so its better to start small and work up with these seats. 10 new seats
should be fine for now.
This expansion project carries the total cost of $1,345,000
If tried to accomplish a in one day the construction would take roughly 20 days.
*These suggested prices are not necessarily the absolute best price to keep your seats at, but merely an estimate to help you know were you stand. If with these recommended seat prices you are still selling out, set them higher. If they are not selling enough, set them lower. Remember that each seating area needs to be evaluated separately when determining the seat pricing or expansion of the arena.
Last edited by RamQ at 1/12/2011 11:21:17 PM