Anyone notice the changes to the rebounding engine?? Anyone reckon Handling is important now for the Cs and PF. I have seen too often that they would grab the ball but it goes out of bounds.
I'm saying this as I am coming off one of my worst wtf defeats of my BB career. First off, I am posting here not because of complaining about losing but for the interest of analysis. The stat that sticks out at me the most is that I only grabbed 28 rebounds the whole game. Link to the game is here:
(29753485)Funnily enough, the 2 same teams played the exact same lineup with very similar tactics for the playoffs last season and for a PL game as well
(29122400)(28932390)And in both games, I got a fair share of rebounds.I understand he has better rebounding ratings than me and I expected to be outrebounded (say by 15 rebounds) but never before has a team more than doubled the rebounds of the other team when both the teams are playing competitively against eachother.
I am beginning to think that either rebounding is valued more now under this engine or perhaps handling comes into play.
Any thoughts??