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From: Rambo
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Date: 2/26/2008 7:01:01 PM
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So quick question about relegation. I took over my team around 2/3 of the way through last season and did fairly well but it was impossible to dig out of the hole I was put in. As a result, I finished a predictable last. I awaited my punishment of relegation only to see my team moved from league III.2 to league IV.40, a league populated entirely by bots. In the end it doesn't matter because I anticipate winning this league and moving to a new league next season but I was wondering why I would get put in such a crappy league. How does the engine determine what league you move into? You would think it would be one big ladder, moving up and down one league at a time but I can guarantee this isn't one league below my previous one. What makes matters worse is I know for a fact that at least one computer operated team remained in my previous division and was replaced by a new user part way through this season.

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17385.2 in reply to 17385.1
Date: 2/26/2008 9:07:07 PM
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It is a ladder - you went from D.III to D.IV

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
From: jimrtex

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17385.3 in reply to 17385.1
Date: 2/27/2008 4:03:34 AM
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The playoff winner from each league promotes, and 4 teams relegate. It is quite possible for a bot team to promote, and have you relegate in their place. In your particular case, there was actually an active team that promoted, but that needn't have been the case.

The USA doesn't have enough active teams to fill 4 divisions, so there are lots of opportunities for teams like yours to be relegated into isolation. BB could be smarter about how promotion and relegation are handled so that the active teams are concentrated in fewer leagues.