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Seeking some rules clarification

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Date: 2/26/2008 8:33:55 PM
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I realise that the players can't just be spoon fed everything in a game but in my opinion the rules are too vague at present to make reasonable player selection possible.

Things I'd like some clarification on. (If they've been answered in the forums somewhere can I get some direction to the relevant posts, or even better can the rules be updated?)

Inside Scoring:
1) If a player is taking a shot "inside" what skill(s) are used to determine the quality of the shot?
a) Does a player use Inside Shot _and_ Jump Shot to determine his accuracy on _all_ "inside shots"
a.1) If so does that mean that a player going up for a dunk and/or layup also uses his JS skill?
b) Does a player use either IS _or_ JS depending on the type of "inside shot" he's taking?
b.i) If so what determines which type of shot they take? Do they play to their strengths or is it similarly random for all players? (If a player is playing as a C and has JS = legendary and IS = atrocious, do they have the same chance of attempting a dunk as a player with JS = atrocious and IS = legendary, all other skills being equal?)
c) What role does driving play for inside (post) players?
i) Does a PF/C type of player require driving to get more shots off that require IS? (Whereas a player without driving has to settle for more jump shots, obviously this question isn't relevant if both skills are used for all shots)
ii) Is it a modifier on all field goals the inside player attempts?
iii) Is it a modifier on all field goals that aren't assists that the insider player attempts?
2) What skill(s) affect guards attempting layups/dunks?

Inside Defense:
3) Does Shot Blocking contribute to this team rating?

Outside Defense:
4) Does anything other than Perimeter Defense contribute to this team rating?

Offensive Flow:
5) Am I correct in assuming that passing and handling are the primary factors in this rating?
6) Does Driving affect this rating?

7) Does this only represent what the player's ability to create/improve his shot off the dribble? Or does it also reflect his ability to establish a better position when off the ball? (Cutting to the basket, coming off screens etc to receive a pass)
8) If the answer to 1) above is no, are those skills instead reflected in the other shooting skills? (IS, JS)
9) Is Driving linked to Handling at all? (Is a guard with high driving and low handling able to use his driving ability? what about forwards?)
10) Does driving ability improve the effectiveness of a guard's passing? (drive-and-dish PG's)

11) The rebounding description states that height is already factored into rebounding. Is it also factored into other skills?
A: (17441.9)

Shot Blocking
14) What is the interaction between the defense skills (PD, ID) and Shot Blocking?
a) Is shot-blocking (or a portion of it) added to the player's relevant defensive skill in lowering their opponents FG%? (ie do shot-blockers have presence such that even though they might not block a shot they lower their opponents chance of scoring anyway)
b) Is there simply a % chance of blocking on opponent's shot (and it doesn't otherwise affect oFG%)?
c) both a) and b)?

Last edited by naphtali at 3/3/2008 7:39:14 AM

This Post:
17389.2 in reply to 17389.1
Date: 2/26/2008 8:34:14 PM
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General Question
13) Do players play to their strengths?
- Does a forward with no driving ability or jump shot tend to stay close to the basket on offense?
- Are forwards with more handling/passing/jumpshot/jump range more likely to step out and use those skills than one who doesn't?
- Is a PG more likely to get the ball to someone with better offensive skills on offense, or someone that is on a hot shooting streak? (ie does a good PG play with intelligence)
- Do the better rebounders crash the boards on offense while the poorer rebounders are more likely to run back up court and guard the fast break?
- Do pure shooters who can't drive attempt to drive anyway? Do great drivers with poor range attempt threes anyway?

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17389.3 in reply to 17389.2
Date: 3/2/2008 1:41:02 PM
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that is a lot of questions!

I sugest you surf the forum first for a bit, click on topics that seem interesting to you, there is already a lot to learn out here. Then come back and ask the questions remaining that you didn't find any discussions on so far. Also please remove the questions for which you found no answer, but you saw a discussion on, these are the questions even we can't solve. ;)
We'll try to answer the remaining questions as good as possible.

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
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17389.4 in reply to 17389.3
Date: 3/3/2008 7:51:03 AM
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Read back through the topic headings on the last 10 pages or so on Help. read anything that looked even remotely like answering any of the above questions. (I'm in my third season on BB and have done a bit of reading from time to time)

Found an official answer on the height question so I've linked that.

Doesn't seem like many people are asking questions directly relating to player attributes, which is what most of the original questions above are relating to.

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17389.5 in reply to 17389.1
Date: 3/3/2008 8:20:45 AM
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ok, I'll try to give some answers: NOTE THAT THESE ARE MY ANSWERS and might be wrong!!

Inside scoring:
1)a) In my opinion JS is only used when the player effectively jumps, jumpshots are shown as jumpshots in the gamevieuwer. So I'd so, no, not ALL.
1)a.1) no, it's inside shot.
b) yes, a jumper inside the 3-point arc will use JS, other shots will use inside shot.
b.i) they try to take the best shot possible, so if their JS is high, they most likely take a lot of jumpers, BUT it also depends on defense, if the defense allows lay-ups more easely, he might go for lay-ups more, even though his jumpshot skill is higher.
c) it increases the quality of the scoring-opportunity, so one might say it increases the chance your shot goes in.
i) no. Driving is the skill that lets players create their own shots, so they don't need a good pass before they can get a decent shot up. More driving leads to better quality shots, no matter the type of shot.
ii) not realy
iii) not realy either. if a player with higher driving gets a ball, it is more likey he will manage to get a good quality shot, while one without driving might get forced to either shoot a bad quality shot, or pass the ball to an other player.
2) inside shot in my opinion.

Inside Defense:
3) don't know, but possibly yes.

Outside Defense:
4) don't know.

Offensive Flow:

5) yes
6) maybe, but not as much as handling and passing.

7) only improves ability to create his own shot.
8) I think that there is no such ability of getting in free position or rolling off screens and such so far. I think that such things are determined by the passing skills of the player who gives the assist.
9) I don't think it is linked, so yes every skill can be used separatly.
10) Don't think so.

Shot Blocking
14) I think it takes a BB to answer this, and I don't think they will.
a) possibly yes, but dunno
b) same as a
c) most possibly either a or b, I think a combination would be more difficult to program and would not be more usefull.

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
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17389.6 in reply to 17389.2
Date: 3/3/2008 8:30:47 AM
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13) Do players play to their strengths? yes
- Does a forward with no driving ability or jump shot tend to stay close to the basket on offense? not likely
- Are forwards with more handling/passing/jumpshot/jump range more likely to step out and use those skills than one who doesn't? yes, but the diffrence might be small. Under the exact same conditions that balance on the edge of taking a shot, the one will take it, and the other might pass. Mostly the shot-opportunity will be deemed good enough by both, and both will take the shot, or the other way around.
- Is a PG more likely to get the ball to someone with better offensive skills on offense, or someone that is on a hot shooting streak? (ie does a good PG play with intelligence). I think he passes to an open man, no matter his skills or hot streak. The receiver then decides if he gets a good shot opportunity or not and shoots or passes.
- Do the better rebounders crash the boards on offense while the poorer rebounders are more likely to run back up court and guard the fast break?
- Do pure shooters who can't drive attempt to drive anyway? Do great drivers with poor range attempt threes anyway? yes

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
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17389.7 in reply to 17389.6
Date: 3/3/2008 5:52:50 PM
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Thanks for your time and your answers, much appreciated.

I have some of my own theories on various questions too, but I'd love to get some more "official" updates to the rules to answer some of the above definitively.

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17389.8 in reply to 17389.7
Date: 3/4/2008 3:33:03 AM
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I'm afraid you might never get anything official on the above.

It is the joy of the comunity to figure it all out, and even then we will not be 100% sure.

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
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17389.9 in reply to 17389.8
Date: 3/4/2008 10:05:02 PM
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If nowhere is updated with official announcements. (Such as the height only affects training, not player performance "fact") then you end up with knowledge being lost and a steeper learning curve for new players.

As a developer myself I know where user documentation normally sits in a list of priorities, but its the sort of polish that makes users a) stay with the game and b) more willing to pay to support the game.