I think there is the raising problem of salaries.
In lower leagues play players with very high skills that are very expensive. Lots of managers work on the financial limit to have a chance to survive in their leagues, transfer prices getting lower and lower. You pay for him the same as 3 WEEKsalaries. Should this be the sense of the game. To risk bankrupcy to have a CHANCE to promote.
I thinks skills above 16 should be very rare, like it is in reality. This would cause that 3rd league teams ain't possible to BUY these players.When there would be an top value-level of 8 in league IV, 10 in league III, 12 in league II and 14 in league I, the salaries wouldn't rule the financies at all and there would be more space to have higher transfers.
On the long run it would be better for the whole economy I think. It should be the the result of a managers who loves his OWN Center wants him to grow cant pay his salary to survive and gets only a little bit more than the salary on the TL.
The salary-cap was discussed in the German forum and in seems to be impossible in the game.
And it makes no sense to change the salary formula. The result would be, that the teams bu better player and work on the limit again.
Butthere must be changes in the economy.
It must getting harder to create high-level players, they sould only exist in the best teams of the game. Whats the sense of having a around 12(in ID,IS,RB,BL) Center in 10000. ranked team of the world?
When BB did NBA predictions...values of players like these shouldn't exist in the game so often, maybe in round of sixteen BBB teams.
Reaching Level 18+ in ONE skill should be a highlight of an age-group.
My suggestions:
- slow down training speed (and maybe only 2pos training?)
But only this would create disadvantages for newer countries and managers, so..
- cut the values 33% of ALL players in the game (sublevels would be cuted to, of course) So JS 15 would become 10, 16 would be 10,xx.
OR: - recalculate the skills with the new training speed.
sensational should be a sensation! Not default in lower leagues.
Of course, this would cause other consequences like reducincing shape influence in matches...(maybe also 33%?)
Another posibility would be adding new levels 20 --> 30 and you have 10 new levels in between (1 2 NEW 3 4 NEW ...). So you have the salary of the ~16 right now at ~26 in the main skills. But maybe this would be more difficult and irritating.
Tell me what you think about that, it's a basic idea. Please don't tell me only that this wouldn't work, make another suggestions. I think we all agree that there are too many players with high skills (and high salaries) in the game that destroys the TL-prices and and make too many teams working on the limit.
btw: dont look into my this years results. I'm relativly rich and have a good team. I'm not talking about a problem I have, its about the BB-economy.
Last edited by dameisel at 2/9/2011 12:48:07 PM