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Suggestions > BB Bank

BB Bank

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From: Johnson
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Date: 3/13/2011 7:25:44 AM
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Choose a portion of your cash reserves to put in a BB Bank Account and set the number of weeks you want to invest for. During that time you can't use the money, you gain interest from a preset rate, you can choose to pull the money out but then you lose all the interest.


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177378.2 in reply to 177378.1
Date: 3/13/2011 9:12:27 AM
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we need more basketball related stuff and less stock market stuff

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177378.3 in reply to 177378.2
Date: 3/13/2011 4:27:42 PM
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agreed, it would take the game too far away from basketball.

besides, I have 14 M in the bank and don't plan to spend it the comming seasons, and this is the case for 2 seasons already, so it would bring me a big advantage to those who do manage their cash well and make the right investments...
It's wouldn't be right.

in a similar game they first downsized economic income by just having money available, and later shut it down alltogether, indicating it's no good for these types of games.

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
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177378.4 in reply to 177378.3
Date: 3/13/2011 6:57:33 PM
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it would bring me a big advantage to those who do manage their cash well and make the right investments..

But that is part of any manager game. Why should a team that fails to plan their team accordingly be on the same level as one that have planned well? At the end of the day, this game is a basketball manager simulation.

The only thing that needs to be sorta addressed is the transfer market. Thats where the sharemarket analogy comes in. Teams have been screwed by the fluctuations of prices the transfer market through no fault of their own. They have no control over it and hence you can't really plan and manage and budget for it which throws out the whole manager concept.

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177378.5 in reply to 177378.2
Date: 3/13/2011 7:14:23 PM
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Banks are not the same as the stock market.

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177378.8 in reply to 177378.5
Date: 3/17/2011 1:29:12 AM
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Banks are not the same as the stock market.

Mentioning that the difference between the two is irrelevant in this case highlights the original point he was trying to make, I think. BB is a basketball, not financial, manager game, nor is BB Second Life. Your suggestion is akin to starting a BB lottery and opening BB casinos in order to generate new sources of BB income. The common theme is that none of these things have to do with basketball.

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177378.9 in reply to 177378.8
Date: 3/18/2011 7:41:55 PM
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I agree with you 100%. We could add a BB bank, a BB stock market, a BB casino, a BB insurance company, a BB Stock Broker staff member etc. But just maybe something related to basketball would be better.

From: Johnson

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177378.11 in reply to 177378.7
Date: 3/19/2011 2:05:42 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
sorry but booooo this idea.
We need work on GE and skills.

Boo to you too.
P.S. Suggestion for you: spell "the" properly in your posts!!!