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Sezono įvykiai

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Date: 4/3/2011 9:52:21 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Ieškojau ieškojau, bet neradau: kokiomis dienomis kas vyks? Ta prasme atkrintamosios, kitas sezonas ir pan.

This Post:
179213.2 in reply to 179213.1
Date: 4/3/2011 9:57:16 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
- April 18: The draft happens during the off-season processing on Monday night, but it may take until Tuesday before the process is finished.

Tentative schedule: (based on server time)
April 2 (Sa): Last regular season league game
April 5 (Tu): Playoffs: Conference semifinals and Relegation Playoffs Game 1.
April 5 (Tu): Every team that is eliminated from the playoffs has a scrimmage generated for April 9.
April 7 (Th): Scrimmages/Cup game
April 9 (Sa): Conference finals, Relegation Game 2, scrimmages.
April 9 (Sa): League finals and April 16 scrimmages (for the other 14 teams) generated.
April 11 (Mo): Financial update: Last chance to invest in the season 15 draft.
April 12 (Tu): Finals Game 1, Relegation game 3 (if necessary)
April 14 (Th): Scrimmages
April 16 (Sa): Finals Game 2, scrimmages for all other teams.
April 17 (Su): Finals Game 3 (if necessary)
April 18 (Mo): Financial update: First chance to invest in the season 16 draft.
April 18 (Mo): We begin off-season processing. After the conclusion of the last competitive national team game of the day, this involves a Game Shape reset, so it is probably inadvisable for most teams to train Game Shape.
April 18 (Mo): U21Elections begin late tonight (EST). Please refer to the U21 "Election Central" page for further information about the deadlines to register and vote.
April 18 (Mo): (If added) New countries are first available for sign-up.
April 21 (Th): Scrimmages
April 23 (Sa): First league game day of the new season.
April 25 (Mo): Enthusiasm reset for national teams in the repechage.
April 26 (Tu): U21 Elections conclude at the end of the day (EST).
April 26 (Tu): Second league game day of the new season.
April 27 (We): First BuzzerBeater's Best game of Season 16.
April 28 (Th): First Tournament game of Season 16.
April 30 (Sa): Enthusiasm reset for U21 teams.
May 2 (Mo): Enthusiasm reset for national teams not in the repechage, before the consolation tournament.

Jei nesupranti, paprašyk kad kas išverstų

This Post:
179213.3 in reply to 179213.2
Date: 4/3/2011 10:10:39 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Ačiū labai, o Scrimmages kažką reiškia ar tiesiog kad būtų rungtynių padaryta?

This Post:
179213.4 in reply to 179213.3
Date: 4/3/2011 10:14:05 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Scrimmage (SC) tai draugiskos

This Post:
179213.5 in reply to 179213.2
Date: 1/23/2012 8:03:01 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
gerai, čia buvo pavasarį...
na o dabar, sezonas jau baigiasi ir liko tik atkrentamosios ir aš turiu du klausimus:
1. kada prasideda ir kiek dienų ar savaičių tęsiasi sezonas?
2. į kokią lygą krentą komanda (man įdomu kur pakliūsiu) ir į kokią kyla? gal galima kur pamatyti visą lygų piramidę.'


This Post:
179213.6 in reply to 179213.5
Date: 1/23/2012 1:51:30 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
1. Jai tik yra noras ,galima pasiskaicuoti

2. Randomas

This Post:
179213.7 in reply to 179213.5
Date: 1/23/2012 2:00:13 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Prasideda sezonas vasario 6 diena draftais, 9 diena draugiskos, 11 diena pirmos lygos rungtynes, sezonas tesiasi 12 savaiciu reguliariaus+2savaites atkrintamuju.

lygu sarasas: (

This Post:
179213.8 in reply to 179213.7
Date: 1/27/2012 3:18:42 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Kada prasidės naujas sezonas ?

This Post:
179213.10 in reply to 179213.8
Date: 1/27/2012 3:30:41 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Vasario 6, po draftu, Vasario 11 pirmos lygos varzybos naujo sezono.

This Post:
179213.11 in reply to 179213.10
Date: 1/27/2012 3:34:18 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Aišku , ačiū už pagalba , dar nelabai gaudosi čia kas ir kaip :) Sekes jums.