One of my players,
Ninos Koutsoukos, was seen in the text of the match (Q3, 0:05 left) playing defense, but didn't show up as been in the match at the time (Waldo Fountain was at PG at the time) and didn't show up as having played in the match. Also, I don't think he came in off the bench in the text summary.
This was a private league match -- not sure if that would make much of a difference.
(778864) 10/12/2007 11:00:00 AM The Basket Cases Bruins 90 - 100 Match Replay PL
Also have a screen capture that I will post a link to later.
I suppose a player that plays less than a minute (like the last 5 seconds of the quarter), might not show up as having played in the match, but I think the viewer would show him as in the game at the time.
Edited 10/12/2007 10:21:04 PM by Solana_Steve