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BB Luxembourg > U21 National Team Speeches

U21 National Team Speeches (thread closed)

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181012.2 in reply to 181012.1
Date: 4/20/2011 5:12:59 AM
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Me he presentado a estas elecciones de seleccionador sub-21 porque, a pesar de que soy manager español,guardo una gran relación con vuestro país. Tengo familia en la ciudad de Remich.
Mi experiencia en el juego es ya de unos cuantos años,exactamente desde la temporada 4 del mismo.
Esta candidatura es un reto para mí, quiero ser la persona capaz de llevar a Luxemburgo a un lugar más honorable dentro del ranking mundial, ya que en estos años se encuentra en una de las últimas posiciones dentro del ranking de selleciones sub-21.
Estoy dispuesto a responder a cualquier pregunta que me quieran realizar sobre mi candidatura a la selección.
Espero contar con su voto y les podré demostrar que no se equivocaron al elegirme.
Por último solo me queda decirles que afronto con una enorme ilusión este reto y que sería un complemento perfecto en este año donde he logrado el ascenso de mi equipo.
Un saludo y VOTADME! :)


I have made this election in u-21 because, although I am Spanish manager, I keep a great relationship with your country. I have family in the city of Remich.
My experience in the game is already a few years, just from season 4 of it.
This application is a challenge for me, let me be the person capable of leading Luxembourg to a more honorable place in the world ranking, because in these years is in one of the last places in the rankings of u-21.
I am willing to answer any question you want to make me about my application selection.
If you vote me I can prove that you were not wrong to choose me.
Finally I can only tell you that I face with a huge forward to this challenge and would be a perfect complement to this year where I made ​​the ascent of my team.
I have just looked some players for the junior national team for weeks.
The manager of gijon street will help me with the junior national team looking for new talents and talking with the managers tath have a player in the national team to say them wath to do.
I hope your vote, because vote to me is vote to the future of Luxembourg.

A greeting and VOTE me !!! :)

This Post:
181012.3 in reply to 181012.1
Date: 4/21/2011 5:36:13 PM
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Hello Luxembourg,

I am England's latest U21 manager. For four seasons now I have had the opportunity to be at the head of a U21 team, which gave me the opportunity to get acquainted with the running of a National Team.
I am also the manager of the Belgian team of Silent Psycho (37557). I started playing on BB twelve seasons ago. I promoted from D.III a few seasons ago and played the Finals in the Belgian D.II (almost got to the BBBL).
So, as you can see, I have quite a lot of experience when it comes to managing a BB-team.

Now, I have decided to apply for the job of Luxembourg U21 manager because I thought it was high time for me to start a new challenge. Indeed, Luxembourg has a very small community on BB. However, having a couple of friends who live in Luxembourg, and own a BB-team in Luxembourg I realized that Luxembourg has the potential to become a very decent team. I won't lie to you, Luxembourg will not be able to compete against large countries as Spain or Italy, but I think Luxembourg is underachieving. It's high time we change the situation.

I will do whatever it takes to bring Luxembourg where it deserves to be, that is somewhere around the 60th spot in the world-ranking. Therefore I'll need your confidence, your help, and your willingness to train Luxembourg's youth.

Thank you,

Mister Q

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181012.4 in reply to 181012.3
Date: 4/23/2011 2:55:50 AM
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Bonjour à toutes et à tous

je suis Mricsensei manageur belge En d2
j'ai eu l'occasion l'année passée d'avoir mon joueur Baptiste Boudewinjs comme U21 AF jouant comme AS car il s'agit du poste le plus compliqué à pourvoir en 3 saisns du fait de ces multi caractéristiques

je suis moi meme SCOUT U21 belge

et j'aimerais me lancer dans une carrière d'entraineur, le luxembourg est un pays d'avenir certes plus petits donc un moindre nombre de joueurs pouvant etre selectionnable

cela rend le défis encore plus difficile et intéressant

alors voila je suis votre homme et hésitez aps si vous avez des questions

This Post:
181012.5 in reply to 181012.4
Date: 4/24/2011 2:32:39 PM
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Here is my speech yet.

Hello i am david
I would want to be manager of your youth I myself am also with youth busy and this seemed like a fun challenge.
And I hope you guys can help estate and at the Summit.
I'm willing to listen to everyone and every player who has a talent to watch.
But only if you vote for me.

Mon discours est toujours une fois.

Bonjour je suis david
Je ne veux pas être gestionnaire de votre jeunesse je me suis également avec les jeunes occupés et cela semblait être un plaisir défi.
Et j'espère que vous les gars pouvez aider la succession et au sommet.
Je suis prêt à écouter tout le monde et chaque joueur qui a un talent à regarder.
Mais seulement si vous votez pour moi.

This Post:
181012.6 in reply to 181012.5
Date: 4/24/2011 3:33:54 PM
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change your vote!!!