Hello Luxembourg,
I am England's latest U21 manager. For four seasons now I have had the opportunity to be at the head of a U21 team, which gave me the opportunity to get acquainted with the running of a National Team.
I am also the manager of the Belgian team of Silent Psycho
(37557). I started playing on BB twelve seasons ago. I promoted from D.III a few seasons ago and played the Finals in the Belgian D.II (almost got to the BBBL).
So, as you can see, I have quite a lot of experience when it comes to managing a BB-team.
Now, I have decided to apply for the job of Luxembourg U21 manager because I thought it was high time for me to start a new challenge. Indeed, Luxembourg has a very small community on BB. However, having a couple of friends who live in Luxembourg, and own a BB-team in Luxembourg I realized that Luxembourg has the potential to become a very decent team. I won't lie to you, Luxembourg will not be able to compete against large countries as Spain or Italy, but I think Luxembourg is underachieving. It's high time we change the situation.
I will do whatever it takes to bring Luxembourg where it deserves to be, that is somewhere around the 60th spot in the world-ranking. Therefore I'll need your confidence, your help, and your willingness to train Luxembourg's youth.
Thank you,
Mister Q