kynlala knights, hopelessly addiicted, adam guns and monleybiz... all very active teams
this season is going to be a lot tougher then last seasons.
last season we had 2 semi active teams in niko and radford, and one bot in hp tiggers.
anyone got any early predictions on the rankings of each team???
Salaries Statistics
WA IS A DUMP 13 $ 853 379
Canberra Crushers 16 $ 772 478
Bell Park SuperCats 15 $ 743 933
Black Label Society 17 $ 729 124
Lewisham Wombats 16 $ 665 578
Whitebeard 10 $ 599 060
Koopasaurus 12 $ 584 143
hopelessly addicted 12 $ 577 170
AVALON JETS 12 $ 571 453
Pancakes with Jam and Cream 11 $ 546 789
Billy Hoyles Boys 13 $ 541 643
Baxter Bogans 16 $ 538 146
Monkey Business 14 $ 536 146
Doncaster Flames 21 $ 463 557
Kynlala Knights 14 $ 456 846
adams guns 12 $ 412 273
looks like I'll be safe from relegation according to those salaries sitting in the middle of pack there =P but of course salaries mean squat when your up against a balanced team who knows what they are doing.