As a fellow team in IV.57, I think you should
not be training any thing that is not related to defense
But really:
The first two are decent prospects who you should continue to train their OD until your are satisfied it(maybe to 12 or 13?) But at some point you need to improve their offense.
For the IV level, the last one is probably the best player in the league other than Vega but I assume you want him to play for the Aussie NT, and there are many different ways to do that. you could just focus on training OD, then Jump shot/JR and maybe some Passing to make him a SG type player. Or you could try to train OD/ID, with some IS to make him a SF type.
That's what I think.
On a side note, I WILL defeat you, so do not try to promote this year.
Check the Suggestions they are important