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Suggestions > Training different positions

Training different positions

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From: cbbakke
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Date: 5/20/2011 6:13:22 PM
Overall Posts Rated:

I am reposting this because I posted it on its own thread and a mod locked it and told me to put it on the suggestion thread, which I did. Then another mod deleted it off the suggestion thread and told me to make it its own thread. So confused..

I can see the logic in why training is set up the way it is, but it would be nice if there was a little more option for how you wanted to train people.

Something like a trainer at each position G/F/C so players would develop slower maybe to offset it but it would allow a team to develop their players a little bit more instead of having to train one position and having to play the market for the other positions.

That being said, I think this game is awesome overall and have much thanks for the people who make it happen.

From: Foto

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185460.2 in reply to 185460.1
Date: 5/20/2011 9:00:34 PM
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Second Team:
I guess what you were told is to open an own thread instead of using an existing one, but in the suggestions forum. Now, it's in the right place

From: yodabig

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185460.3 in reply to 185460.1
Date: 5/20/2011 9:35:08 PM
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The training system is labyrinthine, illogical, frustrating, complex, confusing...and it really works! Once you understand it you are faced with really difficult choices each week that impact on your team in the long and short term. While it could do with some tweaking it works well for the game as it is.

From: cbbakke

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185460.4 in reply to 185460.3
Date: 5/22/2011 7:55:57 PM
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I guess it does work, but it makes developing a team very strange and unbasketball like.