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Michael Jordan VS Lebron James

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186440.2 in reply to 186440.1
Date: 6/3/2011 12:53:18 AM
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This made me LOL (I dislike him immensely)... Jordan without question.. The only way I think LeBrick could have even remotely tested his airness' greatness was if he stayed with the Cavs and started winning rings..

I mean he couldn't even win with Shaq (whos goal that season was 'to win a ring for the king').. Now he has Bosh and Wade and I still think (or maybe its just hope) that the Mavs are gonna win..

Also, Lebron would have to top Kobe, before I would even consider comparing him to MJ.

That's my 2 pennies worth anyway...

Last edited by Mr Angell at 6/3/2011 12:53:59 AM

I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I cant accept not trying. - MJ
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186440.3 in reply to 186440.2
Date: 6/3/2011 1:22:56 AM
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Straight comparisons are silly at this point in LeBrons career. He still hasn't reached his peak yet so you can't really make any proper comparisons. Doing the whole MVPs, rings etc thing doesn't really work when he's only half way through his career too.

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186440.5 in reply to 186440.2
Date: 6/3/2011 4:42:18 AM
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This made me LOL (I dislike him immensely)... Jordan without question.. The only way I think LeBrick could have even remotely tested his airness' greatness was if he stayed with the Cavs and started winning rings..

This. The fact that he ran to Dwyane Wade's team means he forfeited even being in the conversation. - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan
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186440.6 in reply to 186440.5
Date: 6/3/2011 9:09:57 AM
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everyone has so far made a great point, but i love Jordan and hate Lebron so I may be a little bias.

Jordan's greatness goes past just his NBA achievements and numbers, he gave us the long shorts that we see today instead of those old school very tight short shorts -.- ... he also was pretty much the first NBA entrepreneur with his nike clothing line.

but like most say, even if Lebron starts winning rings now, it won't mean as much now because he decided to team up with 2 other stars. This is completely different from the Celtics big three because there is a HUGE age difference nvm skill difference too and to top that the celtics made risky trades that just happened to go their way so again another difference between miami's three having talked all offseason to come together and the celtics organization having traded for their three.

but yea Lebron can only be considered even to MJ if he leaves Miami to lead a team on his own which he couldn't do even though the Cavs did everything they could to put players around him. Plus we can't forget how he quits on his last team. I hate to say it but lebron will be a great player possibly a Hall of Famer but never ever will he be on MJ's level nor Kobe Bryants. King James? no more like Princess James

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186440.8 in reply to 186440.1
Date: 6/3/2011 9:22:52 AM
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both are very great players on both end of the court, but i don't like comparisions betwen plyers of different decades skill wise.

But Jordan, gives the basketball are great push, something i don't see LeBron doing.

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186440.9 in reply to 186440.1
Date: 6/3/2011 9:33:48 AM
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from what Oggagala showed us, those are just a FEW stats of the Airness. He hasn't even scratched the surface with what MJ achieved nvm his playoff numbers are just OKAY XD

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186440.10 in reply to 186440.1
Date: 6/3/2011 9:48:47 AM
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In the past few weeks there have been many discussions and debates about who is the greatest NBA player ever... Lebron James or Michael Jordan...

They both have a legitimate argument to being considered the best ever, except for Lebron. Any debate between the two is silly; there is simply no rational way of saying James is better unless you also count the mother's scoring prowess.

From: pmfg10
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186440.11 in reply to 186440.10
Date: 6/3/2011 11:16:38 AM
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Is there even a question? Lebron isn't even better than Kobe, let alone the great MJ