My view on vets is much different. You can only train 3-6 players so I figure you're saving a ton of money by targetting vets instead of 20-somethings with the rest of your roster. Who knows if you're going to promote right away but if you're trying to promote, and most teams are when the season starts, then I believe those are the right players to target.
Plus, if he turns around and sells that player, he's not going to lose any $$$. Once players reach 30, they don't really decrease in transfer value much. They're already over that mental hurdle of '30' that far too many owners seem to have. But if you buy a 22-26 year old and don't plan to train him, he will likely lose money when you got to sell him in his late 20's because the idea that he can still improve has ended with the buyers.
Last edited by Beener not Beanerz at 7/14/2011 11:55:25 PM