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Suggestions > draft suggestion

draft suggestion

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Date: 7/24/2011 3:59:58 AM
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i am probably one of the few users who like the current draft system.

however there is always room for improvement. therefore i would suggest the following:

supplementary to the current options to spent the draft point i would suggest an option, with which the user can get to know the depth or quality of a draft class.

As we all know, every year is a different draft class, some years are very very good, some are just rubbish.

As i guess that the current system is also based on this, i think it wouldn´t mean too much of programming work, to let this hidding thing get public.

This would give every user the chance to know, how good a draft class is and if it is reasonable to spent a lot of draft poins or else to wait for the next season. I would suggest that for this info you have to spent 5 draft points.

What do you think?