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Suggestions > new supporter option?

new supporter option?

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From: Fluff
This Post:
Date: 7/30/2011 4:22:00 AM
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i dont know whether this has been suggested, or if it would be popular, but perhaps there could be a page coming off the division page (or a box on the division page) that shows the players in your division that are on the market at the time

From: Kukoc

This Post:
192485.2 in reply to 192485.1
Date: 7/30/2011 4:30:29 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
This is a great suggestion. I love it!

From: Fluff

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192485.4 in reply to 192485.3
Date: 7/30/2011 3:51:35 PM
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dont hijack my thread with your "great" ideas [ironic mode off]

if you dont have anything constructive to say, then dont say anything at all!

i think it would be reasonable to expect your staff to make you aware who has been listed in your own division and also the latest transfers.

we already get news of our friends actions, so why not give suporters the choice to extend this option to all those in your league?

From: Marot

This Post:
192485.6 in reply to 192485.2
Date: 7/30/2011 5:02:47 PM
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This is a great suggestion. I love it!

Sugestion for lazy people

u make this suggest for seeing habilities of rival players without moving a finger, and thats more cheating than suggest, at least from my point of view and i say as i see it

+1 for grullo

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From: Fluff

This Post:
192485.8 in reply to 192485.5
Date: 7/30/2011 5:41:03 PM
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that's fine, you are entitled to your opinion but if you disagree then you should do so with respect.

i thought one point of supporter options was to save time and give them easier access to useful information?
the supporter wouldnt have an unfair advantage as they could have got the information themselves by checking other rosters

i dont think its fair to say that something like this would be cheating.

the more helpful supporter is without giving an unfair advantage, the more people will support BB and allow it to be free for those that cant afford to contribute money to its development

From: Fluff

This Post:
192485.9 in reply to 192485.5
Date: 7/30/2011 5:42:12 PM
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you are right about the news - what you get is a news item when a transfer takes place rather than just a listing

From: Kukoc

This Post:
192485.10 in reply to 192485.6
Date: 7/31/2011 6:06:34 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
So to you bookmarks are also for lazy people. Want to go back to bookmarking yourself in excel? This addition would actually lessen the clicks I am making every gameday. TL searches are for lazy people.

Last edited by Kukoc at 7/31/2011 6:07:59 AM