Are you able to switch players to "Selected Players" and "Remaining players"?
I am not sure if it has to do something with your problem (Marin can probably confirm this), but try switching Javascript on and off. Then browse through some BuzzerBeater pages and try to change things. Don't you see any differences on one of the pages? Probably the security settings of your Router/Modem/Firewall has something to do with it.
If you do see changes on some pages, try using the settings which perform the best. Probably you'll need the "Advanced" butten on the "Content" tab in the Options menu of Firefox.
Don't know how to enable or disable Javascript?
( it's a bit harder to disable Javascript in Chrome, you probably prefer to test it in Firefox first ;-)
As I previously said, it depends on how the page is programmed if this really matters.
When I run into an invisible spider web, I instantly become a kung-fu master.