I was excited too, how Bern said.
But I understand something about the two tatics, and I used them in much times in this season.
Box-and-One for me It's a species of 1-3-1 defense for Outside attack. If you have a poor outside, and You're sure that the other team is better in that attack and It will play in Outside, I use Box and One defensive in Outside, but how we have 1-3-1, most reliable, I don't use much and I think that nobody use in these terms.
How we don't have a defense as 1-3-1 in Inside, the Box-and-one in the inside can be a species of a better defense in Inside.
Isolation isn't all how much people think. My Outside is very good, and I've used in a other game, but the attacked much in the Inside and I lost.
I'm not sure about it, I'm yet looking for more answers but these are the most acceptable.