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Private League

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From: t0dd
This Post:
Date: 9/10/2011 5:53:57 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
I have joined a private league but cannot seem to find our much about them. I can see in my schedule that they are not scheduled on the usual scrimmage night like I thought they would be. I actually thought the private league would take the place of the weekly scrimmage, but it seems as i can still challenge other teams for scrimmages.

So what happens in private leagues? does training and game shape and injuries count? or is it just for fun with no real meaning to players?


Last edited by t0dd at 9/10/2011 5:54:32 PM

From: A1R

To: t0dd
This Post:
196179.2 in reply to 196179.1
Date: 9/10/2011 5:57:17 PM
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Just for fun nothing counts

This Post:
196179.3 in reply to 196179.1
Date: 9/10/2011 10:21:33 PM
Headless Thompson Gunners
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Canada Purple Haze BC
Good time to try out different offenses,defenses and lineups
that you may not have used before

From: strilfe

To: t0dd
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196179.4 in reply to 196179.1
Date: 9/10/2011 11:16:03 PM
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I think I read somewhere that adds a tiny biy of experience, but I'm not sure.

Something importante is that there`s no risk of injuries past the game, any injury will heal at the end of the game. so, zero risk for tryng any lineup or tactic you want.-

This Post:
196179.6 in reply to 196179.5
Date: 9/11/2011 4:14:13 AM
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Do I have to be a supporter to able to participate in PL?

From: yodabig

To: t0dd
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196179.8 in reply to 196179.1
Date: 9/11/2011 10:59:17 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Your scrimmages are thursday night if they are in Australia up to many hours later if they are in the USA. Your private league games are from Friday night to Saturday depending on where they are held.

The GM also summed the PL situation very well, as I have said myself many times.

Everything outside the PL affects the PL. Nothing that happens in the PL affects anything outside it.

If you get into a good PL it will be the most fun game of the week. If you join a bad PL there will be no discussions as you are involved in a pointless serioes of one sided blowouts.

We have an Aussie PL "The Fishbowl" that is very active with prizes, four divisions, 48 active teams including 12 ABBL teams and very active forums with thousands of posts including a write up of every single game that happens and weekly MVP awards.

Last edited by yodabig at 9/11/2011 11:01:27 AM