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Date: 9/22/2011 3:51:36 PM
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I'm trying to figure out in which calculations the game takes into account sublevels, and in which ones it simply relies on the integer values.

For example, if your team has an enthusiasm level of 7.3, it will show as 7 in the "Set Lineup" page, but which of the two values will actually be considered in the game engine?

I can think of at least five scenarios including the above example:

1) team enthusiasm --> for game engine
2) player skill levels --> for game engine
3) player game shape --> for game engine
4) player game shape --> for DMI calculation
5) player skill levels --> for salary calculation

I have reason to believe that in case 5), sublevels do count, because sometimes a player switches his natural role after training even if he's had no pops.
Case 4) is unimportant, but is interesting nonetheless because DMIs sometimes have fluctuations even if a player is not trained and his listed game shape doesn't change, which is a hint that game shape sublevels are taken into account, maybe also in case 3).

Any feedback or consensus on the above scenarios?

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196961.2 in reply to 196961.1
Date: 9/22/2011 3:59:41 PM
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I think that sublevels are taken into consideration on all calculations.

It's definitely the case in #5 on salary calculation. In fact, I'd guess that is one of the ways the very existence of sublevels was suggested (i.e., comparing the salaries of two players with the same integer skills).

As for 4, I actually would say that it can be somewhat important. There is a wide range of DMI that corresponds to an integer level of GS (other than 9 GS - that's always the same barring training increases or skill drops). If you know your player's max DMI, then you can get a sense of whether he is at a high sublevel or a low sublevel, and get a general sense of how well he will perform relative to his best play.

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196961.3 in reply to 196961.2
Date: 9/22/2011 5:11:40 PM
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I think that sublevels are taken into consideration on all calculations.

I think that's a fair assessment. Anything where it's important enough to have sublevels is going to make use of them, or else they'd just store it as an integer in the first place.