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Suggestions > Income for scrimmages

Income for scrimmages

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From: JON
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Date: 10/9/2011 12:42:54 PM
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I got this idea from Hattrick, where in friendlies income is split 50/50 .I think it's a great idea, especially when there are weeks with no home games, then you have no revenue coming in for the entire week!
Perhaps 100k split between both teams? So 50k for each scrimmage... ?

From: rcvaz

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198107.2 in reply to 198107.1
Date: 10/9/2011 1:56:56 PM
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Then what's the incentive for playing in the cup? And besides, throughout the season everyone has the same number of home games, so having a week without a home game does not mean you play less home games

From: JON

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198107.3 in reply to 198107.2
Date: 10/9/2011 5:00:43 PM
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Your incentive for cup games is to compete and be the best in your country, and gain extra experience.
50k isn't that much of an incentive for me next to those other to factors.
It's irrelevant that we all have the same amount of home games, this would eliminate the problem of making no revenue in a week.
Why is it only home games we make money? Why are our teams going to another country to scrimmage with no financial incentives?

From: Kukoc

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198107.4 in reply to 198107.3
Date: 10/9/2011 6:01:06 PM
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Scrimmages are for training. If you want to make money, stay in the cup.

From: Monkeybiz

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198107.5 in reply to 198107.3
Date: 10/9/2011 6:23:36 PM
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50k might not seem much but it really addes up. 10 weeks is already half a mill.

There are also implications on the transfer market if everyone has more money to spend then the prices would also be higher.

You only make money from home games because they are your games? It evens out as every team have the same number of home games in the season. You might not have a home game in a particular week but it will even out later on when you will have 2 home games that week.

Teams go to another country from scrimmage for flag collecting. Why are there financial incentives for games that are played with scrubs? Unless you are a hardcore fan, most probably won't go to watch their team's C team play in a meaningless game.

From: JON

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198107.6 in reply to 198107.5
Date: 10/9/2011 6:29:33 PM
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Who is in the cup for 10 weeks? Only the top league teams.
You make good a good point about the transfer list implications.
Flag collecting isn't an incentive for anything.

From: Monkeybiz

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198107.7 in reply to 198107.6
Date: 10/9/2011 6:55:34 PM
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Its luck of the draw. Some runs will end earlier than others. All that this idea achieves is give everyone more money which is kind of pointless. Scrims are not worth 50k anyway. Maybe 5k but definitely not as significant as 50k.

Flag collecting might not be an incentive for you but it certainly is for some other users. The benefits of a scrimmage is that the minutes can also be used for training without having to worry about results. That is incentive enough to want to organise a scrimmage.

From: Coolbobj

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198107.8 in reply to 198107.1
Date: 10/9/2011 9:31:21 PM
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No, screw Hattrick. Scrimmages/Friendlies are strictly for training minutes/giving players minutes for mainting gameshape. We don't need the extra income. If you want more money on Thurs, then stay in the cup as long as you can.

Check the Suggestions they are important
This Post:
198107.9 in reply to 198107.8
Date: 10/9/2011 9:48:39 PM
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No, screw Hattrick.

+1 :P

From: JON
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198107.10 in reply to 198107.9
Date: 10/9/2011 10:22:23 PM
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I guess it doesn't make sense to make money in a scrimmage scrub game.
How do you continue making larger sums of money once you've capped at roughly 20k arena seats and exhausted your full revenue potential?

From: Kukoc

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198107.11 in reply to 198107.10
Date: 10/10/2011 2:20:35 AM
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So what happens when you have exhausted that extra 50k cap space aswell? Managers job is to be the best at that cap. Your job is to get the best money for skill ratio. The extra income from scrimmage makes no sense and makes cup pointless.