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Date: 10/13/2011 3:41:15 PM
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I am playing the second best team in my league for the last regular season game. (30418) I barely beat them the first time I played at home. I am away this game. This team always plays normal at 5 enth. I was thinking of TIEing, but then I would loss HCA and the extra revenue if I lose. It is possible for me to pull it out, but it would be very close.

What enthusiam should I use?

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198410.2 in reply to 198410.1
Date: 10/13/2011 3:52:31 PM
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That is tough. What is your enthusiasm at? I looked over both, your team and his team. 1 big difference, right now, your gameshape is superior to his. I think you have to either, Crunch Time it, or Take It Easy, depending on whether or not you want home court, which also comes with a much easier opponent. Then you'll let your two toughest opponents knock one out. Me, I'd go for home court. IF your Enthusiasm is higher then 8, though, you could play normal.

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198410.3 in reply to 198410.2
Date: 10/13/2011 4:00:59 PM
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My ENTH is at 8 now. I'm leaning towards CTing, just want to see one more opinion. There are more pros to CTing then TIEing. I get more revenue and HCA if I win. TIEing just gives me better ENTH going into the POs.

Thanks for the help

From: kpd

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198410.4 in reply to 198410.3
Date: 10/13/2011 4:11:43 PM
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I would CT cause even if ur ENT drops to like 3.5 or 4 there will be enough time for it to get back to 5 by the time your in the division finals and you can do playoff normal for the first round against the arrows your teams a lot better and that will increase youre ENT again

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198410.5 in reply to 198410.3
Date: 10/13/2011 7:00:28 PM
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I'd tie and save the enth for PO, playing tie on first round also.

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198410.6 in reply to 198410.5
Date: 10/13/2011 7:31:57 PM
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I am going to CT, because I see there are more advantages to doing that. I will get 2/3 of the attendance instead of 1/3 and have HCA against every team if I win.

Thanks for the advice everyone