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Suggestions > Emotion


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From: perp06
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Date: 10/14/2011 12:41:23 PM
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I know this should go to the suggestion thread but I can never find it...
Has any thought been out into an "emotion" factor of the game that could play into enthusiasm, game shape etc. If you think about the game at any level a winning streak or loosing streak can play a big role in how players play, just as hot and cold shooting streaks, rivalry games, underdogs, chemistry etc.
If team a has a talent advantage over team b but lost their last 3 games and just traded a player or squired a free agent team b may get an upperhand. Obviously if the talent catchup is an extreme gap the enthusiasm wont carry much weight, but you can tell when a team is deflated or riding a high and it does carry into their play. I have been able to take it easy to increase my enthusiasm the last 3 league games bc I am guaranteed to make the playoffs and want that advantage against a much tougher opponent but if a real team rested their players and messed with chemistry for 2 weeks and andy on a big loosing streak it could definitely effect their play for the worse.
What do you think?

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198483.3 in reply to 198483.1
Date: 10/14/2011 4:23:17 PM
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This does happen in real basketball, but this is not real life. I like the overall suggestion, but it is waaaaay to hard to implement. The BBs have too many other things to fix first.