The stage is set for Tuesday nights League DV. 65 Finals. Both teams earned their way here, via 2, road victory upsets. Who will continue to play the spoiler? Captain Morgans, who handed oo Pwnstarz oo, their only defeat, all season. Or will it be, IXLOS Sabres, slayers of the big salary Goliaths? One thing is for sure, the winner will deserve it after all they’ve had to go through to become the Champion.
Before the season started, I predicted both teams as 12-1 odds, to make to the Finals. I had this to say about Captain Morgans, “12 to 1 odds, Captain Morgans. Having 1 of the more balanced line-ups, this team will look to dominate the bottom feeders, as well as give the up tier teams fits.” Here is my write up about, IXLOS Sabres, “12 to 1 odds, IXLOS Sabres, still in the growing stages. This team is making all the right moves, but is still has a ways to go.’’ Pretty accurate write ups, eh?
2 streaks are at work here, Captain Morgans running a 6 game win streak, lead by the play of Geliy Milekhan. While IXLOS Sabres last home lose dates back to September 3rd. Who wants to promote up to D.IV. Winner moves on. Good Luck, Gentlemen.
Captain Morgans
IXLOS Sabres -18 (o/u 183)
Who do you have?
Captain Morgans
IXLOS Sabres
This poll ended on 10/31/2011.