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BB Nederland > U21 National Team Debate Thread

U21 National Team Debate Thread (thread closed)

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199889.3 in reply to 199889.2
Date: 11/1/2011 5:45:12 PM
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Thank you for the interes LA-kalebam, you seem to be really interested in the national team. I will try to answer you, and if you have more questions, please ask me.
1. At the moment I don't speak dutch, but I will try to get some vocabulary to improve the relationship with the managers if it is necessary. Please, give me time , I will work hard in this question. I think we can perfectly work talking in english and this shouldn't be a inconvenient for my application.
2. We have to work in the new players because some of them can become in the future dutch stars. So we will talk to the managers of the players that we think that can be important in the future so they dedicate more time to them, upgrading as much as they can and making good players. At the moment I don't really know about the situation of the new players that have appeared in the draft, but we would make a search among them and also talk with their managers as I said before.
3.My first goal is making a strong base for the next years, with players that can improve in 1 or 2 years and become u21 huge players. We would try too to win the matches that we think that we can win. We will give it all to the national team.

This Post:
199889.4 in reply to 199889.3
Date: 11/1/2011 7:11:41 PM
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Second Team:
De Grote Spelers
Hello coach,

nice to see that you're running for the U21-position, let me start out by wishing you the best of luck. I do, however, have some questions for you! If you could be so kind to answer them, to the best of your knowledge?

1. Do you have any NT or U21 experience?
2. What kind of style do you prefer your teams to play?
3. Which team did you manage previously? What kind of success did you have with them? How long did you run that team and what was the reason you stopped playing?
4. Have you ever been banned or punished in any way by BB? Or was there ever a time you were under investigation?
5. Which players are you referring to, that should support you in your journey as U21-coach? Shouldn't the public be allowed to know who are assisting you?
6. What assurance do we have that you will not quit the game once again?

For now, I'll refrain from asking more questions, but I will do so in the next couple of days, to give the other managers some time to interview you. I'm looking forward to your answers, thank you!

This Post:
199889.5 in reply to 199889.4
Date: 11/2/2011 7:16:59 AM
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First of all, thank you for the questions :) I will try to answer you the best I can, but if you stil having doubts, please let me know.
1. Three or four seasons before I used to help England in terms of drafting young players for them, although I wasn't really taking part in the staff. Also, I' ve been working with those new countries ( Jamaica and Bahamas ) looking for players that in a future could reach a high level in their national team. This gave me much experience in the business of looking for young stars.
2. I don't really understand your question but I thought you refer to if a prefer interior or exterior tactics maybe. I know that the perfect team is the one who can play any kind of game, defensive or attacker, interior or exterior... so we will search first of all players who can play in any position, who have exterior and interior skills. We also give a great importance to the defense, we want to play low scoring.
3. With my previous team I used to be the 900 (aprox) team in Spain and the 7000(aprox) all over the world. I played IV Spanish division for three times, but while I have to move to Nederland I can't use it because they say that my country didn't match up with where I was living.
4.I were under investigation because they said that I bid to much money for a player, but I thought that it was a good price; so finally I stayed the same and I didn't get fined.
5. Of course they can know who is assisting me. I have get in contact with some friendly coaches from Spain as chamy93 (75607) ; nogare_88(78907);javiguchi(140988); Al loro (76169) and Sr.Emoticono (76264). The last one is one of the applicants for the Spanish National Team this year and we will have a friendly relationship with this team and we will help each other in our work. Appart from thes coaches, I would like to have Dutch coaches in my staff so, if any want to take part, please let me know.
6. I ensure I won't give up the game if I win. One of my principal virtues is my commitment with the team. Trust in me, I won't fail you.

This Post:
199889.7 in reply to 199889.2
Date: 11/2/2011 8:19:02 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Silver Onions
Ik ben benieuwd, hoe je afegelopen twee seizoenen hebt ervaren?
Wat zou je anders doen?
En wat vind je dat je juist heel goed hebt gedaan?

Ik hoop dat je Nederlands begrijpt en kunt schrijven! Zo niet dan heeft het geen enkel nut om je verkiesbaar te stellen! Want communicatie dus de bondscoach en de trainers is van wezenlijk belang voor een goed U21. En wij verstaan allemaal Nederlands perfect en Engels is voor sommige toch lastig.

Wij hebben een uitstekende groep rond het nationale team en zitten in mijn ogen ook niet te wachten op inmenging van wat Spanjolen. Maat als je mij kan uitleggen wat hun meerwaarde wil zijn, dan graag.

Only in the dark, we succeed!
This Post:
199889.9 in reply to 199889.5
Date: 11/2/2011 9:47:42 AM
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From your speech: but I had other team before in other country because I had to move in terms of working somewhere

From this thread: but while I have to move to Nederland I can't use it because they say that my country didn't match up with where I was living.

I know for a fact that this isn't true. How can we trust everything you say then?

This Post:
199889.10 in reply to 199889.8
Date: 11/2/2011 10:32:13 AM
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Kalebam, na 4 seizoen van regeren is het U21 van NL nog steeds niet terug bij de beste 25 van de wereld. Ik zie nog een persbericht van vorig seizoen waarin je zegt dit seizoen bij de top 25 te komen als doelstelling te hebben. Mag ik hieruit afleiden dat je je doelstellingen dus niet behaald hebt, en dus niet gepresteerd hebt zoals je eigenlijk zou willen? Wat zijn in jouw ogen de redenen dat je na 4 seizoen nog niet die top 25 hebt behaald (als we dat als doelstelling zien), en hoe wil je dat gaan verbeteren in de volgende termijn?

Als ik kijk naar seizoen 17 spelen we alleen maar tegen teams lager op de ranking dan wij, maar dan verliezen we drie keer. Zijn we dan nog te hoog geklasseerd, of is dit te kort door de bocht? Hoezo wonnen we niet al die drie keer tegen lager geklasseerde teams?

Verder lijk je nog altijd moeite te hebben met het opvullen van een SF positie. Is hier na 4 seizoen al een soort van oplossing voor gekomen? Wordt er iemand getraind die dit gat kan opvullen, of gaan we het weer opvullen met goede PFs of goede SGs?

Als laatste, ben je tevreden met je enthusiasm management in je laatste termijn(en)?

Zo, vlammen maar

This Post:
199889.11 in reply to 199889.8
Date: 11/2/2011 1:04:38 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
De Grote Spelers
@ Kalebam: Het vorige seizoen zag ik af en toe bij inside taktieken dat je op de SF positie een speler opstelde die totaal niet kon scoren inside, maar vooral de bal afleveren bij anderen. Wat zou normaal gesproken, bij gelijke vorm, jouw voorkeur hebben? Een speler die passeren en inside shot op respectable met mediocre passing, of een speler met prominent passeren, awful inside shot en proficient passing?