1. Yes I have look and analysed your draft for the season 15 and 16. I have not finish the draft of the last season but I have seen some great players like David Sauron
(23180355) your player. If he will train some inside skill could become a great SF. But I can't be sure to know if those players will be good players if I don't know their skills. There is another great C with Hall Of Famer Potential ( I don't know if I can show him because he is in sale ) who propably be a very good player for U21 and NT.
2. If you have a chance to get a player in the NT teams why will you not train him?
I have a player who play for Senegal, it's nor my country but I feel proud when he play for Senegal. If I can get a player of my country I will propably be prouder. Moreover if you have a great player for NT he will be great for your team too.
3. I will not have "assistants" if I will be your next coach but I know if I want some help I can find it with Yannoch.
4. I think the skills the more important is defense, I always prefere a player with a good defense and average offense than good offense and average defense. Moreover a good player is a player who have secondary ( for me secondary is for example a C with some handling, dribbling, jump shot... ).
5. I would like to win some games of course, but I want that Luxembourg becomes a better nation in BB and for that Lux-managers have to train their players. Try to help managers for the training of PG and SG who is the weakness of the U21 for the moment.
6. I have not already talk to Lux-manager because it probably be spamming, so I prefer wait to be the coach before send BBmail to Lux-managers who have potential U21 in their teams.
I hope I have answered to your questions, if not tell me =)