The Suns play anything but patient.
7 seconds or less is (very sadly) no longer in use, but with Stevie on the 1 you won´t ever run a patient offense. It´s still one of the fastest paced offense styles, the Suns are playing. Although I really don´t know what the Suns owners plan next to finally ruin this franchise... maybe they force Steve to run a patient offense...^^
With Patient in BB, you will need a PS-monster at least on the 1, on the 2 PS doesn´t hurt, and then your backcourt will search for the best JS/OD mismatch for your team, and this mismatch will be used in 99% of your offensive plays.
The best results may come with a perimeter shooter at the 4 or even at the 5, as it is easiest to find the mismatch there. It though is a lot harder to get a mismatch when your opponent is playing a zone defense. Then it´s very hard for your team to be successful with patient.
But when you need very detailed info and advise about Patient, just have a look on this thread.